Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First lesson: PCSing overseas - Long Term Storage

It was really hard to get consistent gouge on how to divide our move. You get to move things to long term storage, send a small poundage of boxes early, and also have a household goods move.

As for moving things to storage, I've seen people just take the whole house, lock, stock and barrel, to Japan and have quite a full house of stuff. I've seen people get really bad gouge and not move anything, other than their mattresses and some kitchen wares and personal stuff (pictures, hobbies).

We pared down about 1 piece of furniture per room. That worked well for us. So we stored 1 chest of drawers from our bedroom, a vanity from the girls' room, the china hutch from the dining room, and the roll top desk and a rocking chair from the living room. That worked really well for us. We still had room in our on-base housing to purchase a few oriental pieces to commemorate our time in Japan.

We also stored our larger electric tools (saws, etc.). We planned on living on base, and you don't have to do home maintenance. They supplied the lawn mowers and edgers you could retrieve from a nearby shed to mow the back yard. Any gardening above and beyond that was your own.

Next post I'll try to tackle that all important box of stuff you'll need when you get there.

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